To build a marketplace where only pre-qualified, vetted sellers that share our core values are invited to participate. Buyers can rest assured that their hard-earned dollars will NOT be funneled directly into billionaires' pockets but, instead, into ethical businesses and local economies. Our software platform will take the work out of finding and supporting like-minded businesses. Additionally, UpSpending, Inc. will donate 50% of its profits to organizations that fight for human rights, environmental protections, and campaign finance reform.
The pilot phase (Nashville metro area only) will consist of a once-a-month home delivery of common household goods that you already purchase (e.g. TP, paper towels, laundry detergent).
Each month, you can login and make changes to your recurring order or skip it if necessary.
We'll text you each month to remind you to check your supply levels and update your recurring order.
Why a monthly subscription service? Several reasons...
Same as pilot phase except opened up to as many Nashville-area users as possible. Users will be able to earn commissions for referrals to spend on their subscription orders. During this phase, we will also expand the products available for monthly delivery.
On-board other progressive businesses (either local or national) to sell their wares through the site, either as part of the monthly delivery service or for one-time purchases that are drop-shipped directly to buyers. Participant businesses will pledge to uphold the list of core values and agree to pay a small percentage of sales back to the company to support our mission.
Expand the monthly delivery service into other metro areas. If you are interested in bringing UpSpending, Inc. to your metro area, let us know.